Obama Will Endorse Trump!


Extra, extra read all about it!  Exxxclusive! Extra, extra read all about it!

By Thomas J. Thares



 In a Sunday Albany Voice Of Dissent Exxxclusive reliable sources have confirmed Barrack Obama Democratic Governor of Illinois will endorse President Trump’s re-election bid. Obama a onetime presidential candidate, will announce his support for Donald Trump’s bid for a second term before the end of the month. While nobody from the President’s or the Governor’s team will speak on the record, our sources confirm the endorsement is, “a done deal.” The President commented on the possibility of an Obama endorsement at ribbon cutting ceremony for the opening of the nation’s 100th  Homeland Security Interrogation and Deportation Center in Phoenix Arizona. “Huge, it would huge. If Barrack endorsed me it would be great. It’s all about winning. I’ll win either way because there’s no way I can lose. Obama is one of the greatest, he’s the greatest Governor of Illinois ever. Just look at the way he’s turned the state around. I’m just saying he might the greatest Governor of any state ever,” the President said when asked about the rumors swirling around for weeks now.

Many think supporting the President is Obama’s way of paying back the Republican nominee Hillary Clinton for what he sees as her lukewarm support for Obama’s bid to become President in 2008. Obama’s loss to McCain shook up the Democratic party. The bickering between the Clinton and Obama camps in the aftermath of McCain becoming President caused many Clinton followers to leave for the Republican Party. Clinton herself retired from politics, divorced former President Bill Clinton, and moved to California in 2009. She was brought out of retirement this year by the Meg Whitman led, Draft Hillary movement. Drafther.org gathered millions of on-line signatures in support of Hillary Clinton forcing the Republicans to turn to Clinton on the third round of voting at the convention last month. Clinton ended up being nominated even though she didn’t run in any Republican primaries. She did get write-in votes in every primary. The number grew with each contest. The party turned to Clinton at a convention where neither of the top candidates had enough delegates to win. The battle between Joe Biden and Mitt Romney never seemed to grab the attention of voters.

Donald Trump tapped into the number of voters who thought the Republican Party was being taken over by middle of the road Democrats in his bid to defeat President McCain in 2012. Hard core conservatives ran to the Democratic party when Donald Trump in June of 2011 announced he was running for the Democratic nomination for President. Obama who remained a Democrat has been Governor of Illinois since 2011 and halfway through his second term has done his best to distance himself from President Trump. More to the point Obama has generally refused to comment on the Trump Presidency, repeatedly saying he’s “busy trying to help all the 109 counties in Illinois.”

The President refused to answer questions about his on-going Twitter feud with the Green Party Governor of Massachusetts Elizabeth Warren. The internet went down for several hours last week after Warren and the President retweeted the same message to each other for more than four hours. It started with tweet from Warren that simply said, “You’re a naughty boy Donnie!” The President responded by tweeting, “Liz you’re making it hard for me to rule!” The epic tweet battle was the latest in a five year war.

President Trump may need the Obama endorsement more than he admits. The ribbon cutting at the opening of 100th IDC in Phoenix is the first public appearance by President Trump in several months. Vice President Ted Cruz seems to be in charge of so much of the day to day operations at the White House his staff calls him Mr. President. Trump and Clinton are locked in a race that appears to be one going down to the wire. The recent movement of voting blocks from one party to another is unprecedented and adds to the confusion most voters feel. When asked, most voters say it’s easier to understand the NBA salary cap and MLB trade rules than who belongs to what party, what the parties and candidates stand for.

Rumors about the endorsement of President Trump by Obama started to gather steam right after the President and Obama both attended a bachelor party for Former President and Chairperson of the Democratic National Committee Bill Clinton. Obama and President Trump were personally invited by Bill Clinton. The wedding of Bill Clinton and Ann Coulter takes place in three weeks in Hope Arkansas. Chelsea Clinton the daughter of the former President and the Republican nominee, will attend the wedding with her husband. Hillary Clinton announced months ago she would not attend the wedding. The list of those who will attend the wedding includes Vladimir Putin, Ron Burkle, Draymond Green, Mark Cuban, Howard Stern, Charlie Sheen, Miley Cyrus, Madonna, Ted Nugent, Ozzie Osbourne. Jack Nicholson, Caitlin Jenner, Kyle Jenner, Chris Mathews, Paula Jones,  Richard Mellon Scaiffe, Matt Drudge, Kenneth Star, George W. Bush, Tom Delay, Dennis Hastert,  Monica Lewinsky, Jennifer Flowers, Juanita Broaddirck, Paul McCartney, Mick Jagger,  Snoop Dogg, James Carville, Newt Gingrich, Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, Jay-z, Beyonce, Oprah Winfrey, Chris Brown, Pamela Anderson, Julia Roberts, and Jane Fonda.

President Trump has been more and more openly cozy with the remains the of the old Democratic Party from 2008. He went against the advice of Democratic Senator David Duke of Louisiana and upset his base when he supported Bill Clinton to be in charge of the party apparatus. Trump relied on his ever present theme; It’s all about winning. Clinton is given much credit for keeping Obama and Andrew Cuomo Governor of New York in the  Democratic party. This group has been successful in convincing the Trump administration to take a softer stance on several key social issues. Trump putting the repeal of Obamcare on the back burner and his pro-choice stance, paved the way for Obama and Cuomo agreeing to have Interrogation and Deportation Centers in their states. A recent study shows Illinois is the number one state for “mission accomplished” deportations. While a large number of suspected illegals have been rounded up in New York most deportations for the state are, “pending.”

The President’s press secretary Michael Savage refused to say if an Obama endorsement was imminent. Savage did say, “The Governor of Illinois has invited the President to attend a White Sox game next week, and while the President would prefer a Cubs game, because he likes winners, he is strongly considering taking up governor and going to the game.” Savage downplayed the differences between the President and Obama saying, “Barrack Hussein Obama is the first Kenyan to become a governor in the great history of our country and should be respected and honored for the achievement.” The White House changed the President’s schedule yesterday. It now includes a trip to Chicago next week. The Sunday Albany Voice Of Dissent’s sources all tell us that after a few beers, a couple of hot dogs, and a ball game Barrack Hussein Obama Democratic Governor of Illinois will formally endorse the re-election of President Donald J. Trump.

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